13 November (Feast of St Stanislaus Kostka): Thank You for Saying ‘Yes’


Today (13 November) is the feast of St Stanislaus Kostka SJ, patron saint of novices. I admit that I am not familiar with this saint, apart from hearing his name in passing, and upon some research, discovered that he died at the young age of seventeen. Despite his short life, and even shorter time still, within the Society of Jesus (he entered as a novice in October 1567, and died August 1568), we can still see in him, values and virtues to be admired and imitated. As such, we pause to remember and pray for all who have said ‘yes’ to God’s calling, as religious, and especially our novices within the Society of Sisters, FCJ. We thank you for being open to the Spirit of God at work within your lives, and thank you for choosing to say yes and accept the gifts and challenges that life holds.

Surrender does not come easy to most of us, yet in all of us, we are called to do just this. It is not just for those discerning a vocation, or for the youth, because we are all called to surrender to the greater dream God has for us. It takes humility and trust to be empty vessels in which to carry living water. And it takes courage and strength to be open to the workings of love within us and for us.

We continue to pray and work for the building of God’s kingdom through the formation of people. We continue to say ‘yes’ and to say, ‘thank you,’ especially to our novices and those in training.


Day 8 of #31DaysWithIgnatius



St Ignatius said to his #Jesuits – “Go, set the world on fire!” No, not literally, but apostolically. Go and live the #magis – the #more – in a way that seeks to know Christ more fully, to love him more deeply and to follow him more passionately.

Even in the small quiet moments, one can still #celebrate with #joy and #gratitude. And #sparkle.

In celebration of Ignatian Spirituality, and to mark the feast of St Ignatius of Loyola (31 July), I have taken on the challenge of posting a picture a day that speaks to me of the lessons learned from all things ‘Ignatian’; including ‘finding God in all things.’ Here it is, as posted on Instagram (@fcjAustralia).

what is success?

Mary is a fellow blogger and Twitter follower, and a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. She is a constant inspiration in her passion for helping others and her posts often instill in me personally, a greater desire to live our Christian calling to be ‘magis’ people – to know Christ more deeply, to follow him more closely and to love him more completely.

Internal Resistance

For a while now, I’ve resisted the question “what does it mean to be successful?” In my work and life I don’t find it’s the right question. At ReOrientation for JVC I shared this while talking about what success means to us in a small group. Another JV pressed me on this point. So.

What is success?

Success is getting up every day I don’t want to because my heart hurts immeasurably. Success is being present to this moment and

this moment and

this moment–

when in all of those moments part of my heart is still at a space that no longer exists but in my heart and the hearts of those who were a part of it.

Success is continuing to choose to care. It is living with love, with joy.

Success is never forgetting.

Success is every time I find my voice, know my truth, and speak it.

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Companionship in the FCJ Tradition at IgnatianSpirituality.com


Have you ever wondered how the FCJ charism lives out Ignatian spirituality? Yes? Well lucky for you, we are very happy at Keeping Company to invite you to read Companionship in the FCJ Tradition at IgnatianSpirituality.com’s dotMagis blog.

Go to:
http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/18420/companionship-in-the-fcj-tradition/ for more!

31 July: Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola

Today is the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola. Of particular interest is the role of women in the saint’s life:

Women were part of his world as he was part of theirs, and history records women exerting significant influence on his physical, psychological, spiritual and apostolic life…They also practiced in their daily lives the principles of his Spiritual Exercises. | Dyckman, K. et. al, The Spiritual Exercises Reclaimed: Uncovering Liberating Possibilities for Women (2001)

Here is one of the many letters he wrote to women.

Keeping Company

In fact, Ignatius is said to have included women of all types and classes in his spiritual conversations, believing that they too, could hear and receive the Word of God and themselves led holy lives.

In special acknowledgment to the women of the Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus, whose very lives show a deeply embedded Ignatian spirituality, may we not exclude anyone from our reach, but in them and in all things, find and embrace God.