Video: A Very Special Easter

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It was my son who brought this video to my attention. He had watched it at school before the Easter break and it has stuck in his head all this while.

Watch this video and you’ll see why it has struck a chord with so many.

Which part moved you the most?

Image: Calling All Ignatian Women…

Our Lady wore gold roses on her feet. The Franciscans have their trademark brown sandal. The Discalced Carmelites have only in relatively recent history starting wearing footwear (that’s a joke!) and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has his preference of jolly cardinal red footwear.

The mission is laborious, the journey can be tough, as Ignatian women then, what do you think of these pumps?

Keeping Company

Thank you to Fr Paul Campbell SJ at People For Others for bringing these to my attention.

Lesson: Don’t forget to laugh and share in the silliness. We’ll walk with you…

Photo: Pope Francis’ Ordinary Moments


Before you read the story behind this candid photo of Pope Francis, I invite you to notice your immediate responses. What are you thinking? How does it make you feel? Note your own facial expression: are the muscles in your face relaxed? Are you furrowed at the brow in a questioning way? Do you have a smile on your face?

And now, are you aware that while doing this little exercise, God is in every moment, every muscle, every cell, every receptor, every brain signal, every fibre of your DNA? And that God loves and blesses everything about you?

Breathe slowly, mindfully, for a few breaths. Give thanks.

Now you may read the story here, from the photographer himself, at Vatican City.